Fracture Map

Valorant Fracture Map Guide

Valorant Fracture Map Guide

Fracture is one of the seven maps currently featuring in Valorant and was the most recent map to be added to the game. It’s set in a top-secret research facility in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and has a giant crack down the middle thanks to a Radianite experiment that went wrong.

Fracture Map Layout and Callouts

Fracture is one of the most unique maps in Valorant and the tactical FPS genre as a whole, thanks to its unusual layout and spawning positions. There are two sites connected by a middle section that the defenders spawn in, and two paths connecting the sites around the outside of the map where attackers spawn – pretty unconventional to say the least!

A Site

A Site has both a top and bottom section connected by some stairs, and there’s quite a bit of cover, giving both attackers a lot of planting options and defenders a lot of spots to hold site from.

There are also two paths entering the site from the outskirts of the map – A Main and A Drop – and a path from Mid that forks into two smaller ones. 

B Site

B Site is quite open, with just a small cubby in the corner and some boxes on site for cover. The site is connected to B Tower and has a big open space in front of it that players can enter from B Main, B Canteen, B Link, and B Arcade. There are many entry points, so getting onto B Site can be challenging as an attacking team.

Special Feature – Ropes and a Mechanical Door

Fracture’s main special feature is the two one-way ropes that extend all the way across the map, connecting Attacker Side Spawn to Attacker Side Bridge. Once you hop on, you have to ride all the way to the other side, as there’s no way to stop. You can, however, hold shift to move silently and more slowly, which will come in handy for sneaking across the map.

But that’s not all! Alongside the one-way ropes, Fracture also has standard ascendable ropes near both A and B sites, as well as a pressure plate-activated door connecting A Hall to A Rope. Lots of cool dynamic map elements to take advantage of.

General Tips

Next, we’ve got some general tips for playing on Fracture:

  • Be wary of flankers. With so many interconnected paths on Fracture, it’s easy for flankers to get behind you before you even know it, so take extra caution when navigating the map and have someone always keeping an eye on the flank.
  • On attack, try a split push. By splitting up your attacking team and pushing the bombsites from a bunch of different angles, you’ll spread your enemies thin and have them confused as to which site you’re going to try and plant on. This is generally a better plan than taking one path as a group because chances are you’ll get spotted and have all the enemies rotate to the site or to your flank to cut you off.
  • Use the one-way ropes at your own risk. The one-way ropes are great for getting across the map quickly, but they’re also dangerous to use because someone could see you from the other side and shoot you before you make it across. Sure, you can try and shoot them back, but your weapon accuracy will be terrible while moving on the rope, so you won’t stand a chance.

Now, let’s move on to talking about the best ways to attack and defend the two sites.

Attacking A Site

When attacking A site, a split push from A Main and A Drop is generally best, as you’ll have two lines of sight which will make the entry easier. Also, if you’re going to push through A Door, make sure to flash out first and be wary of enemies doing the same to you. Enemies like to hide at the top of A Rope, so always expect someone there.

Defending A Site

When defending A Site, there are some excellent safe spots on the bottom level of the site to hold angles from, but be aware that you may end up trapped if the enemy pushes on quickly.

You can also have someone positioned at the top of A Rope, deep in A Main, to watch A Hall, and in A Drop watching either A Main or A Dish

Attacking B Site

B Site can be tricky to attack, so the best thing to do is to use smokes to block off Mid, so you have fewer angles to worry about. Be wary of enemies hiding behind the crates on-site and in B Tower, and once you do manage to plant, have someone positioned on every entry angle because enemies could come from anywhere. 

Defending B Site

When defending B site, you can have teammates positioned in B Canteen and B Link watching B Main, as well as someone in B Tower watching B Arcade to cover all your bases.

Attackers will often throw smokes down and rush in quickly, so if you need backup, try to stall the enemy push by using a utility on both the B Main entrance and B Bench. If you can get to safety in Mid, then do that, but if you get stuck somewhere like B Tower, just try to hold your ground as best as possible.

Map Changes Since Release

Despite its relatively short lifespan, Fracture has already had some significant changes, which we’ve outlined below.

  • v3.06 patch -The first change came in the v3.06 patch and simply saw a wall in B Tunnel and a crate on B site being changed from penetrable to impenetrable. Credit: Riot Games
  • v3.09 patch – In the v3.09 patch, there were a few changes to pre-round barrier placement at A Rope and B Arcade, and the A Hall orb was shifted around a bit to make it less easy for attackers to get hold of it. Credit: Riot Games
  • A new piece of cover was also added to the Attacker spawn area to break up the long line of sight from B Tree to the A Hall entrance. Credit: Riot Games